Tag Archives: parenting style

Daisy cooks, too.

30 May

Now, I know Violet has been the resident recipe poster, but I can get down with some cooking too. Violet asked me to share a few little tips and tricks that I’ve shared with her, so here you go..

I have great eaters. I really can’t complain, they will eat just about anything. Why? Not sure. Is it luck? Did I expose them to different foods when they were young, via my eating habits & breastmilk? Who knows. Maybe a good combo of both. Even with my great eaters, one of which (Diva) lists raw broccoli as one of her favorite foods, I still like to sneak in even MORE vegetables than they would normally eat.

Funny story, when Diva & Intuitive were about 2 or so, we were grocery shopping, strolling through the produce section, in fact. Diva begins a full on tantrum because she thought I didn’t put broccoli in the cart. Can you imagine this little pig-tailed girl, screaming her little brains out because she thought that mean old mommy DIDN’T get broccoli? The laughter coming from the other shoppers was pretty excellent when they realized that she was yelling for broccoli.

Anyways, “hiding” veggies in meals isn’t a new concept. There are cookbooks written on the subject. These are just some of the things that I’ve done.

Making spaghetti? Using jar sauce? Good shit, go for it. Whenever I make it, I will use a large grater and grate a few carrots, some squash, zucchini, finely cut spinach. Dump the jar of sauce in a big saucepan and dump the veggies in, simmer it all while your pasta is cooking. The veggies will cook down, and be completely unnoticed by even the pickiest eaters. My kids KNOW I do this, and couldn’t care less!

Tacos? Grate some of the same veggies into the meat while you’re cooking it. Same concept as the sauce, noone will notice.

Has your kiddo said no to baby food? Is she ready for the real stuff? Don’t worry. I’m sure you have 8 million extra jars of baby food sitting around, so USE them for your cooking. Dump a jar of carrots into your spaghetti sauce. Any veggie, really. Have some fruit ones? Make your kiddo some PLAIN oatmeal, and put some in the oatmeal.

Sneaking good stuff in is easy. It’s easy, and no one will ever know.

You’ll probably feel kinda bad ass for pulling a fast one on your family.

Any other ways you guys sneak some good stuff in? Let us know!


To the holier than thou. Love, Daisy.

24 May

Dear Holier Than Thou Mothers…


I concede. I am obviously not worthy of the title of “Mother.” I fully accept this, and am moving on. (can you feel me rolling my eyes? I am.)


In a minute.


First, I shall lay out some fresh beats and bust a quick rhyme. (Or I’ll just explain myself. What-the-fuck-ever.)


1. Stretch Marks: If I say I have stretch marks, it doesn’t mean I hate my children, and wish I would have adopted so I could keep my svelte 18-year-old body. It means I have stretch marks. Did they appear during my pregnancy? Yes. Do I resent my children for “giving” them to me? No, I resent my genealogy, since that shit is genetic. Following up a comment (or just making a comment) about *YOUR* stretch marks by saying something along the lines of

“My stretch marks are SO worth it, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything, because they show me EVERYDAY that I brought an amazing, spectacular, gorgeous, fantastic, BRILLIANT angel into the world, and saying I don’t like them would be like SACRIFICING MY PERFECT CHILD TO “The Others” on Lost. I LOVE MY STRETCH MARKS.”

Yeah. Soooooooo. I get it. The big ol’ cross on your back is super bright and shiny. I get it. You are MOTHER, hear you roar.

I still think MY stretch marks suck, but, uh, more power to you. You must be a better mother than me.


2. The “When I have Children…” People: Do I even NEED to address you crazy asses? I will never meet the imaginary standard you have set. In the imaginary world that you and your imaginary children live in, I’m sure that everything is rainbows and unicorns and skipping through fields of wildflowers, with the scent of fresh jasmine filling the air. There are playdates with other imaginary friends, and children that don’t wet themselves, poop themselves, talk back, refuse to eat, cry incessantly for no reason.. They sleep through the night, from 8pm to 9am. You do everything right.


How can I compete with that?

Pop out a few, and then tell me if all your imaginary plans came true. I implore you. Do it.


3. The Ones Who Do It All.. and Then Some: Now, these.. Sometimes (most of the time) I just don’t believe them.

No, I don’t think that you can take care of 5 children, home-school them, milk the goats out back, make homemade yogurt, clean your house, take care of the pets, manage a business, do 4 loads of laundry, (in all natural, homemade laundry soap, naturally) sprout your quinoa, read 8 stories to your children, take them to the neighborhood park, then to the YMCA for swimming lessons, then to the library…… ALL BEFORE LUNCH.

Screw you. You’re lying, this doesn’t happen. Your attempts to make us “lesser mothers” feel like shit might work for a while… but eventually, we’ll all realize that you don’t really have your shit together, and you actually throw some Gerber Puffs on the floor in the living room and turn on Spongebob, and then go watch your “stories” on your laptop.

Why lie? Fess up, homegirls.



4. The Exaggerators: You know the one. That one woman who you see at your Gymboree Music class. The one who tells you about all the advanced shit her brilliant diaper dweller does.

“Sooo.. Is your son walking yet? No? Hmm. That’s weird. Perfectly normal, I’m sure. My little prince is just really advanced for his age. His doctor has even said so. He started walking at 4 months old, canyoubelieveit?! Yeah, so now at 8 months, it’s just amazing, but, well, I don’t normally tell people this, but.. We had his IQ tested. He scored pretty well. I don’t like to brag, but his IQ is 865. Yeah. So, he’s SMART. He started reciting Shakespeare last night. It was amaaaaazing.”

Listen, bitch. Your kid craps his diaper, just like mine did. He isn’t a fucking genius. He didn’t start walking at 4 months old. His IQ isn’t 865. He’s a normal baby. Enjoy him as such, because one, he will wise up and not want to hang out with you, because you suck.



And with that, I will bid you farewell.


For now.


I’m going to go wallow in the fact that I’m just not as good as all of you Holier Than Thou moms out there.

Fondly, Daisy.


Celebrity Parents

30 Mar

Celebrity culture has always been somewhat of a twatwaffle to me. I don’t get into the drama; I don’t understand the hysteria. I don’t follow Perez Hilton’s blog. For all intents and purposes, I think celebrities are a bunch of middle class morons who happened to fall upon fame and wealth because they were either a) favored with big tits or b) can make themselves cry on cue. (Daisy and I are blessed with both of these attributes. Where are our millions?) At some point in their journey from mediocrity to internationally irrelevant, someone issued them all (collectively) a license for weirdness.

I didn’t used to mind the weirdness. Tom Cruise wants to put his money in a tax shelter and call it religion? Fine. Follow that up with a critique of psychology as a legitimate medicine practice? He’s an asshole, but I didn’t give him enough credit to care. Fergie wants to pee-pee in her pants without a Huggies, then shower in champagne to cover it up? Have fun! But then these weird-ass movie stars decided to tell the world how to parent. That’s when I became annoyed.

First, we had Mayim Bialik telling us that we need to breastfeed our kids until they’re five. (Anyone else think of the movie Grown Ups when you hear that?!)  January Jones, of Mad Men fame, wants you to eat your own placenta after you deliver your afterbirth. (And I know that in some less civilized cultures, that’s acceptable, but I’m a middle class American. We don’t cannibalize our extraneous organs.) Now, Alicia Silverstone wants us to feed our children like we’re pigeons by chewing our food and spitting it into the waiting infant’s mouth. Oh, hell no.

Here’s my problem: for one, parenting is a completely individualistic practice. No two mothers are alike, and no two children are alike. Prescribing any parenting practice is risky business (haha, Tom Cruise joke!) because methods that worked in one family may fail in another, and who will the failing family blame? The person who offered the advice in the first place. Not a wise idea if your income is based on your likability. My other problem with this celeb-mommy-culture is that too many people put these assholes on a pedestal. For these people, anything a favorite celebrity spews from her mouth is scripture. Cameron Diaz wants me to exfoliate with llama fetus eyeballs? Sounds great! Jack Black suggests I huff Dorito Cheese dust to make my hair grow longer? Yum! So when the Hollywood-types tell you that you should cover your kid in olive juice every day to prevent AIDS, some ignorant imbecile will take that to heart and buy a Costco-sized jar of olives.

Weirdo celebrity parents: keep your strange-as-shit thoughts to yourself. If you want to name your kid Pilot Inspektor or Jermajesty, be my fucking guest. No skin off my back. But to promote your strange (and possibly harmful) parenting tactics to your unassuming, impressionable fan base is wrong. You’re fucking with a child’s well-being when you tell his parent to eat a lock of his hair every year on his birthday, or whatever unusual shit you do with your children. Just like with politics, Hollywood Freaks, keep your nose out of shit you don’t understand, and stick to acting/singing/slutting.

A picture isn’t worth a thousand words. Sometimes.

29 Mar

Before Violet and I began this blog, we spent many hours discussing it and what it would consist of. We discussed having a cute “getting to know us” page, (About Daisy & Violet) as well as a “Mission Statement“. We thought those would be fun ways for ourselves to set the tone for our blog before we even wrote a post.

We also discussed privacy. We decided to not use our real names, or our spouse’s names, or our children’s names. We gleefully discussed our blog pseudonyms, which are our nicknames from high school, and concocted names for our family. Along with our name discussions, we discussed the issue of photographs of our children.

I read many, many mommy blogs. I enjoy seeing how other families work, and how other mom’s balance life. I read a pretty nice variety of blogs, from Super-Christian Mommy bloggers, to Gay Dad’s and their adventures. What can I say? I enjoy reading and learning about different people. One common denominator in all of these blogs is the pictures. Pictures of their children doing silly things. Pictures of family excursions and vacations.

Now look at our blog. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Yeah, no pictures of ourselves and families. Text messages and occasional random shit that we see, but no precious snapshots.


We decided that we wanted a sense of anonymity. Not so much for ourselves, but for our children. We think that our children are quite possibly the cutest in the world. We would love to heavily season our blog with photos of our collective brood, but alas, the internet is a fucking scary place. People search for (and find) all kinds of crazy shit. Personally, I don’t want an innocent photo of my kids turning into something naughty, and I can say with certainty that Violet doesn’t either. I’m not looking down upon anyone who posts photos of their children on their blog. I love looking at other people’s photos. Kids are cute. They do cute shit.

Perhaps I’m just a crazy lady, and I shouldn’t over think things, but “not-nice” things have happened. I’ve read that a blogger posted photos of her infant that passed away, and it was discovered that someone stole those photos and used them in.. less than admirable ways. There is a very popular mommy blogger that often posts photos of her children in various states of undress and occasionally some questionable positions and tags them with “pedophilic key words”. That is just asking for trouble. Why do that to your children? (Granted, this mommy blogger is “two pieces of bread short of a sandwich”, and I enjoy reading her “naysayer” blog more than hers. Anyone wanna guess who I’m talking about?)

Maybe we’ll post a picture of ourselves, with a little facial blurring. We did it on twitter.

Maybe one day we’ll post a photo of our kids. Maybe we won’t.

What WILL we do? Continue writing and sharing funny photos of other stuff, and hopefully, you’ll continue reading and commenting.

Do you think I’m crazy? What are your views?



ramblings that once had a purpose.

19 Mar

“Daisy, you need to write something”

“Daisy, are you writing?”


Violet has been going crazy on me for the past, oh, few days. I have excuses, though!

I mean, reasons. Or something.

We started off Diva, Intuitive, & Handsome’s Spring Break in a great way. A surprise trip to Disney World. Well, a surprise trip for THEM. For Terry and me, it was around 3 weeks of watching what we said and trying not to spill the beans. I was successful. Terry was not.

They knew that a “big surprise” was coming. In anticipation of the surprise, we emptied the kids’ piggy bank, rolled all the coins, and told them they had spending money for something special. Then Terry said

“Maybe you can find something fun to buy in Disney”

Then I stopped breathing for a minute or 2, hoping they hadn’t heard.


They yelled in unison. They high fived, started hooting and hollering.  Then I went outside to punch a tree. Terry followed me. All I said was

“You better fix that”

He went in and tried to lie to them, telling him that he meant they could save their money, because surely we’d go to Disney over the summer.

They. Did. Not. Buy. It.

So in went Mommy to do some more damage control.

“Alright guys, I want you to know that we are NOT going to Disney for the big surprise. Terry meant that maybe we’d take a Disney trip over the summer, and maybe you could save your money for that. I don’t want you guys getting all excited and thinking that the surprise is Disney, because you will be SO LET DOWN when you find out that it’s not. I repeat, we are NOT going to Disney for the big surprise.”

The response was equal parts refreshing and frightening.


“Mommy, Terry said the same thing to us, but when he said it, he sounded like he was lying, so we didn’t believe him. When you say it, you sound like you’re telling the truth.”

So, lesson learned. Mommy is a KICK ASS liar, Terry.. not so much. SWEET.

After that snafu, it was pretty much smooth sailing. The Mayor almost caused another situation, but luckily, the kids had JUST slipped out of earshot.

Diva, Intuitive, & Handsome had a daily countdown. Everyday on the way to school, I’d ask Intuitive how many days were left, and she’d tell me, growing more and more excited as the numbers got smaller.

Finally it was BIG SURPRISE DAY.

We decided to have them go to school, but pick them up early. They were a bit confused as to why the countdown was at zero, yet we were in the car to go to school. No luck though, Mommy wasn’t spilling any beans. Dropped them off, wished them happy, productive days, and raced home to clean up, and pack.

I spent about 3 hours in a neurotic twister of disorganized organization. 5 people going on an overnight trip requires more shit than you think.

  • Bathing suits (the resort we stayed at has a magnificent pool! we’re taking advantage!)
  • Clothes for dinner (a Disney Luau)
  • Pajamas
  • Extra underwear (The Mayor instilled in me a need to always take extra “foundations” on any trip, just in case)
  • Clothes for our day of park hopping
  • Socks, sandals, sneakers
  • 3 Pillow pets
  • Phone chargers, camera, camera charger.
  • Snacks

(Ended up with one suitcase, one large Vera Bradley duffel bag, 2 large tote-type bags, and a Publix bag full of shoes. For an overnight trip. It looked a bit excessive, but oh well. We ended up using just about everything that I brought.)

After all of Mommy & Terry’s “chores” were done, we decided to go break the kids out of school… and off we went.

All three were throwing ideas out on the drive, until we got to the special back way I always take. Then they started recognizing things. Once the “Welcome to Disney” sign started coming into view, there were gasps and sighs and squeals. Dive launched into a 14 minute long monologue about how we lied to her, but it was ok, because we were in Disney World, but WE LIED TO HER!

She promptly got over the lies when they all realized that unlike many of our other Disney day-trips, we were going to be staying overnight, in a hotel.. and what a hotel it was. Toy Story characters everywhere. Magic and Disney-ness at every turn.

I could surely bore you with cute anecdotes and moments from the rest of our trip, but I’ll just leave you with something Handsome said to me after we returned home…

“Mommy, that was the trip of a lifetime”

It was, kiddo. It definitely was.


© Daisy and Violet 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Shit you shouldn’t say to a mom with more than one child.

12 Mar

As you may be aware, I’ve never had one child. I started off the whole shebang with Diva & Intuitive. Because of that, I don’t KNOW what it’s like to have ONE child. That may seem painfully obvious to many of you. (I hope it is, anyways.)

Diva & Intuitive were about 5 weeks early. They stayed in the hospital for a little over a week before being healthy enough to go home. After taking them home, I went into super-insane-overprotective-mamabear mode. Save for doctor appointments, we didn’t take them out of the house very much until they were about 6-7 weeks old. When we did start taking them out, they were always in their carseat, snapped into their double stroller, (THE BUS) with the sun shade pulled up and a blanket covering the majority of the open space that was left. I never imagined that going out with them could be more stressful than it already was.

Then it happened.

Apparently I failed to recieve the memo that having twins automatically makes you a three ring fucking circus. I also didn’t know that tickets were free for one and all.

Perhaps I was very sheltered. Perhaps The Mayor & First Husband raised me with manners. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention to anything other than my little world. I had no idea that there were people, LOTS of people, who could be very.. forward.

On our very first mall outing, the comments started. I tried to be nice, I really did. After the 87th time hearing the SAME comment/questions/concerns I lost the polite filter.

These are some of the comments that I repeatedly recieved.. While I “only” had twins. The comments that came after Handsome came along will be another section.

  • ARE THEY TWINS?! – Two small infants. One double stroller. Matching car seats. No, they’re not twins. I stole this other one. Is that bad?
  • Two boys? A boy and a girl? Two girls? – One squirrel and one spider monkey, actually.
  • Is it harder than one baby? – Well I would sure fucking assume so, since, you know, there ARE TWO OF THEM.
  • Are they natural? – Nope, silicone! Don’t they look real? (The balls on people to ask if I had in-vitro. There is obviously nothing wrong with in-vitro, but what business is it of theirs? Market research?!)
  • Vaginal or c-section?! – Uh. Go away please. I don’t want my babies to catch “rude”. (This one always floored me. Why on God’s green earth would a stranger want to imagine my hoohaa expelling children OR my guts being removed to extract them?!)
  • My sister’s cousin’s husband’s friend’s daughter has twins! – OMG no way! We are practically family, in that case.
  • How did you have twins? – Like, literally? How were they conceived? Uh, google it, please. (There was a time I said something a BIT more crass than that, but, uh, my dad reads this. It had something to do with doing something twice in one night..)
  • You’re such a great nanny! – Listen, bitch. I will SHOW YOU MY STRETCH MARKS, k? Thanks.
  • It will get easier, I promise! – Uh, how? All they do is eat, sleep, and lay there. I assume that they will eventually MOVE and voice opinions.

By the time Diva & Intuitive were about 11 months old, I was pregnant with Handsome. I had no idea that the comments were about to get even better.

  • Were you TRYING for another one? – What’s the difference? My uterus, not yours!
  • What if it’s ANOTHER girl?! – Uh, well.. If the bun in the oven is another girl.. Then we’ll have 3 girls. Simple math, methinks.
  • Do you really want a 3rd baby?? – Baby?! This one isn’t going to be a puppy? Shit. I really wanted a chihuahua.
  • You need a TV. Do you know what causes “that”? – Uh… We have a TV. Cable, too. I’ll have to google what causes “that”, though. Thanks for the heads up.
  • I really hope that one is a boy! – Hmm. Interesting. I hope it’s healthy & full term. Anything else is a bonus.

One of the first times I went out with the 3 kids by myself, Diva & Intuitive were about 19 months old, Handsome was about 3 weeks old. We ventured out to Target. The girls were in the double stroller, the baby in the sling. As we were strolling through the household goods, Diva & Intuitive were chatting with each other and pointing things out to me and Handsome was snoozing in the sling. We come across a woman in the same aisle as us, and I do my usual “share the aisle” dance, trying to move the stroller enough to give her room to move by us. She stops. She looks at the girls, looks at the sling, looks at me.

“Are they triplets?”

I was not expecting that. At all. I mean, sure, Diva & Intuitive were a LITTLE small for their age.. but… uh…

As time went on, I got used to being asked if they were triplets, they looked alike and were close in size soon after Hadsome turned 1. That first time, though, had me speechless. Here are some more good ones.

  • Are they all yours? – Nope! Gave birth to this one. Got this one at a garage sale. This one, I found at Target.
  • You’re DONE now, right? – I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I want to beat the Duggars. Can we remember that I’ve ONLY been pregnant twice? That’s not unheard of. The fact that I got a BOGO with my first pregnancy is just a bonus.
  • Do they all have the same dad?! – Ok, really, what fucking business is it of yours?! I would mess with people sometimes, and tell them that the twin girls had different fathers. That confused them. Job well done.
  •  Lucky you had that boy so you can stop! – Yup, this whole process was just to have a boy. Lucky us! Thank goodness for a penis!
  • Did you always want a HUGE family? – Personally, I don’t think that 3 kids is a HUGE family. So uh, that question is now invalid. Thanks.
  • *pointing at sling* What’s THAT one? – A rabbit.
  • WOW! Trying to singlehandedly over populate the world? – Why, yes! I am!

And one of my favorites, usually said to me while I have all three kids in tow at the grocery store…

Gee, you must have your hands full 

I do. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So, if you see a Mommy out with her brood of small people, please, give her a smile. She’ll appreciate that.

Don’t ask her about the inner workings of her uterus. She’ll also appreciate that.

Has anyone asked you something crazy or made a crazy comment?


© Daisy and Violet 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Life happens. Plans often don’t.

7 Mar

I recently lived through the experience of sending my youngest, my baby, off to school for the first time. You might be thinking..

“Daisy, you have 3 children. You should be used to sending them off to school”

In all honesty, before Diva & Intuitive started school, I thought that sending them off would be the hardest milestone ever. At that point in time, it was. Watching my little preemies walking into their new classroom, with backpacks that were nearly bigger than them.. Wow. Tough stuff. I cried. I also cried at nearly every school event, Mother’s Day program, pre-k “graduation”, etc.

Please, let’s not discuss how goofy the First Husband thought I was when I had tears rolling down my face as Diva and Intuitive put on a rousing rendtition of “3 Blind Mice” at their pre-k graduation. Thanks.

I couldn’t imagine that sending a 3rd child off to school would be anywhere near as difficult as sending my sweet first babies off. I never expected that it would be TOUGHER than the first time. Well…

Once Diva and Intuitive went off to the magical fun land of school, can anyone guess what happened? I’ll give you a hint.

Handsome and me. All day. Together. Alone.

I was so used to doing everything with 3 sidekicks, and dividing my attention between Diva, Intuitive, & Handsome. That was my life. Errands with 3, buckling 3 into the car, getting 3 out of the car, doing head counts while we walked around Target, simultaneously pushing 3 kids on the swings (it’s possible, I swear). Making breakfast, lunch, snacks; it was an assembly line. In one fell swoop, I was down to doing things with ONE child for 7 or 8 hours a day. My usual planning and leaving early to get places on time was pointless. Do you know how EASY it is to get somewhere with ONE child in tow? Handsome was upset about Diva & Intuitive being gone for.. oh.. about 10 minutes. Then he realized that he was solo with Mommy. THEN he realized that a decision didn’t require a 2/3 majority. If he wanted a bagel for lunch, he got a bagel for lunch.

Two years later, it was time for him to go to magical fun land.

About 2 months before school started for Handsome, after the girls had already started 1st grade, (pre-k works a little differently in my town. He started in January) I began to realize that things were going to CHANGE. Massive, mega, life changing, scary CHANGE. My sidekick was LEAVING ME. Not only was he leaving me; He. Was. EXCITED. What had I done wrong? Wasn’t he supposed to want to be home, hanging solo with Mommy FOREVER?!

Oh. No, he’s not. He’s ready for school. He’s well adjusted and ready to have a structured day at school with friends his age. We (I) spent weeks preparing. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t break down and cry like a baby a few times. Never in front of him. Mostly on the phone with the Mayor, or the First Husband. More often with poor Terry. That man has dealt with many tears. I cried when I ordered his backpack. I cried when I got his lunchbox. I cried when he turned 5, just a few days before school started. I had him try on his backpack and hold his lunchbox 2 days before school started, so it wouldn’t be a shock on the first day of school. He just seemed like such a baby, STILL.

So on his first day, the Mayor, First Husband, Terry, & Mommy took all 3 to school. We all went to Handsome’s classroom. It was buzzing with a gaggle of excited kids, a couple of excited teachers, some excited parents, and a few moms that looked like I felt. I tried to hold it together. I really, really did. I got Handsome set up with an activity, The Mayor and the First Husband walked Diva & Intuitive to their class. I made sure he was all set, and began my goodbyes.

I believe that’s when the waterworks began, as well.

We walked outside the classroom, me, with tears on my cheeks and stood there for a moment. Then, I noticed a window. So I peered in like a peeping tom with the Mayor by my side. Then, Handsome’s wonderful teacher noticed us. She was also Diva & Intuitive’s teacher, so she knows enough about my insane attachment to my children. We smiled a sheepish smile, mine riddled with tears, and started to back away from the window. She came out the door and held out a tissue and a book to me. “The Night Before Kindergarten”. A tale of a child’s night before the first day of school, and the parents all crying, but realizing that the kids are happy, so all is well. We laughed. I cried more. The First Husband laughed more. The Mayor’s eyes were slightly misty. Terry was hungry.

The Mayor & First Husband had blocked out part of their day to make sure that Mommy would be ok. We all went to breakfast, and I only cried once more. I held my phone the entire day, just in case the school called.

3 o’clock came, and I picked up my group. It was as if they had all been going to school together FOREVER. The energy flying out of him was incredible. He was almost vibrating from excitement. And Diva & Intuitive! They were so excited that their younger brother was in school with them. They each told me about every single time they saw him during the day; at lunch, on the playground, walking to his class. All my worry and sadness were wiped out with the happy smiles and stories I got from them. Handsome wanted to call EVERYONE in our family to tell them about his day, and we did.

All my time spent at home with them was not in vain. It made them the well adjusted, smart, happy kids they are today. I (with a little help from the Mayor & the First Husband) got them prepared to be independent kids, ready to learn and succeed. Hovering, planning, over thinking, teaching them, running our day to day lives like our own preschool; it was all worth it.

In my short, but full, journey through mommyhood, I’ve learned that 90% of the plans you make as a mom get thrown out the fucking window.

Whether it’s what you’re going to feed your kid, or how you’re going to react to them starting school; things don’t always go as planned. Rolling with the punches will get you further than planning.

What are some things that you’ve planned for that have gone in a different direction?


© Daisy and Violet 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Why Daisy’s life wouldn’t make a good television show.

28 Feb

My mother, the Mayor, has often said:

“We should have a fucking reality show”

Well, you know, if she used language that crass and stuff.

Which she does. Sorry you misunderstood.

I’ve often found myself agreeing with her, but I’m led to believe that just about everyone I know probably thinks that they should have a “fucking reality show.” Sure, the crap that happens to us is funny. To us.

I doubt that Diva proclaiming

“I want to be a show girl when I grow up”

would translate well to network television. (In my defense, we were watching a cake decorating show where they made a cake for a Vegas show) I’m betting that my father, the “First Husband,”  proclaiming that he wasn’t going to buy her pasties would probably go over like breaking wind in a place of worship. (Like how I made that sound SUPER-DUPER mature??)

We certainly don’t throw fisticuffs often enough, or chairs for that matter.

I’ve never sat down to dinner with Violet, had a few (15) drinks, called her a raving lunatic bitch, and thrown the table at her. Sure, during one of our numerous spats, I’ve thought all those things, but in reality television, there is no think, only DO.

So how about a scripted show based off of little old Daisy’s crazy shenanigans? Let’s see. I am pretty particular about my television viewing. My all time favorites?

  • Weeds
  • Californication
  • Mad Men
  • Breaking Bad

Let’s break down why my life just wouldn’t translate into television gold, as these shows have.

I am not a super fuck up with tremendously questionable morals. Sure, I can get a little loosey-goosey in the morality department, but, uh.. within reason.

The main character in all these shows is the head of the family. Where is he or she most of the time? Out selling/buying/making drugs; getting drunk with random ladies/gentlemen, sleeping with random folks, oftentimes on the hood of a car, or in an alley.

I’m the head of my family. Where am I most of the time? Hovering over my children helping them with homework, in the kitchen cleaning or cooking, vacuuming, or doing laundry. After 8 pm; once the kiddos are asleep, you can find me watching my stories.

Moral of the story?

My life wouldn’t make good tv, since…
someecards.com - I cook dinner, not meth. Daisy and Violet

© Daisy and Violet 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Getting to Know Our Readers

24 Feb

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